Daily Practices
Published At: 04 November, 2024, Updated At: 04 November, 2024
Mastery requires constant practice, if you want to do more than just remember information, and succeed in something, you need to make daily efforts. In addition to spaced repetition, WitSlice sets can be used for training.
Training can be of any kind. You can arrange a set of physical exercises in the form of cards or repeat cards with words in a foreign language if spaced repetition is not enough. Any type of activity in which you want to hone your skill is suitable for training.
Creating WitSlice Practices
This action required logged in, first of all you need to log in. If you have a Google account, you can use it to log in (the easiest way). The second option is to register using email. After you have logged in, you can proceed to creating Packs.
Creating a practice
- Select a set for practice from public packs or own packs. Click on the link to view the pack from the list.
- On the recruitment page, at the bottom, click on the Createbutton labeled "Create daily practice". A page with practice settings will open in front of you.
- In the practice name field, enter a suitable name, for example "Daily English practice".
- Specify the days and times you plan to practice by clicking on the icon
- Click on the button CreateA page with a list of practices will open, among which you can find the one you just created.
Practice Session
Now, at the specified time and day, you will receive a notification with an invitation to practice and a link to the practice session. In order to receive notifications, you need to connect the messenger. Also, in the list of practices with active sessions, the
Practice Session
button will be available.How the session is held
- Follow the link from the message or click on the Practice Sessionbutton from the list of practices.
- The session page will open in front of you. You can skip the session by clicking on the Skip Practicebutton or start the practice by clicking on theStart Practicebutton. If the session is ignored within 3 hours after its start, it will be considered skipped automatically.
- If you have started the session, cards will open in front of you in turn. If you are doing an exercise, click on the button Next ExerciseIf you want to skip an exercise in the current session, click on the buttonSkip exerciseIf you want to finish the session entirely, click on the buttonComplete Practice.
- Statistics are kept for all sessions and exercises, and in the future you will be able to analyze your practice for subsequent adjustments.
Editing and pausing practices
- If you want to change the name or schedule of the practice. You can click on the Updatebutton in the list of practices. The familiar practice editing window will open.
- In the "practice title" field, specify the new name of the practice.
- Click on the icon to choose the time and day for practice or click on the icon to cancel the practice at this time.
- If you want to pause the practice, click on the Deactivatebutton in the list of practices opposite the practice you want to pause. When it is time to continue the practice, click on theActivatebutton opposite the previously paused practice.
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