How to create your own WitSlice packs
Published At: 18 October, 2024, Updated At: 18 October, 2024
What are WitSlice packs
Packs in WitSlice are pieces of information that are presented in the form of cards. Moreover, the information in the cards can be any. In fact, you can create your own Packs to memorize any information of any type of activity.
For what purposes are packs created
The main purpose of a Pack is to break a large amount of information into small parts, so that later this knowledge can be strengthened in memory.
Perhaps you are learning foreign languages, in this case you can create a Pack of new words that you need to remember or grammar rules.
Alternatively, you recently read a book in which you found interesting ideas and so that the ideas are fixed in your memory, you can create a Pack with cards of these ideas, go through the memorization process so that the ideas are not forgotten over time.
Preparing for exams or presentations, learning programming languages and any intellectual activity will receive significant support if you control its memorization.
Creating your own packs
In order to create your own Packs, first of all you need to log in. If you have a Google account, you can use it to log in (the easiest way). The second option is to register using email. After you have logged in, you can proceed to creating Packs.
Create a pack
- At the top right of the screen, click on the menu icon
- In the panel that appears, click on the button My Packs. A page with your Packs will open. If you have not created Packs before, it will be empty.
- Click on the button Createnext to the page title. A form with fields for the Pack to fill out will open in front of you.
- In the "Name" field, specify the name of the package, for example, "New words" or "New words lesson 1".
- In the "Description" field, add a description of the package, for example, "12 new words from the first lesson".
- In the "Default card template" field, select one of the available templates. If the package will contain foreign words, it is recommended to select the foreign words template. If you are unsure which template to choose, select the general template called "Simple".
- In the category field, select the appropriate category for the Pack. If you are unsure which category is more suitable, select the general category called "Other".
- Click the create button at the bottom of the form. The Pack page will open in front of you, without cards yet.
Adding cards to the pack
- On the Pack page, click the ...button next to the Pack name.
- The card creation page will open in front of you. If you selected the "Simple" template when creating a Pack, you will only need to fill in two fields of the card.
- In the "Title" field, add a name for the card, for example, if you are learning new words, this can be a word in a foreign language.
- In the "Description" field, add a description for the card, in the case of a new word, this will be a description of the meaning of the new word and a translation into your native language.
- Click the button Create
- The Pack page will open in front of you, where your card will be displayed.
- Add more cards to form a complete Pack.
What's next?
Now that you have a Pack of cards that you want to memorize, you can start the memorization process. This article describes how to start learning using the spaced repetition method.
You can also choose a public pack of cards from the public domain for study.
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